samedi 28 février 2015

Python Script Output Does Not Appear in CMD

While working through the Scrapy tutorial here I noticed that Python scripts are not resulting in any output to the Windows command prompt.

I did check the path environment variable to confirm that "c:\python27" and "c:\python27\Scripts" are both included. And do I believe I successfully installed Scrapy and the required dependencies.

I was able to follow along with the tutorial right up to Trying Selectors in the Shell. Up to that point most things went as anticipated: the output files were created as expected; however, no console output appeared. According to the tutorial, I should have seen something like the following:

2014-01-23 18:13:07-0400 [scrapy] INFO: Scrapy started (bot: tutorial)
2014-01-23 18:13:07-0400 [scrapy] INFO: Optional features available: ...

Initially I did not notice there was no output to the console and moved on to trying to launch the shell as described in the tutorial:

...\tutorial\>scrapy shell ""


There is no output, but there is a pause before the prompt re-appears, so it is obviously thinking...

I searched with Google and here at SO; but had no luck finding a solution. Though, in the process of trying to diagnose this issue, I noticed that other scripts that should output to the console are not doing so (python.exe, however, does).

For example, as expected:

C:\>python --version

results in:

Python 2.7.6

On the other hand, I get nothing from pip:

C:\>pip --version


Pip is installed. I can re-direct output to a text file:

C:\>pip list 1>output.txt 2>&1


The resulting text file includes the following, as expected:

nose (1.3.4)
numpy (1.8.1)
pip (6.0.8)

I saved a script '' containing the following:

import datetime

And running it works fine:

2015-02-28 21:23:18.088000


So now I am thoroughly confused. How can I get pip, Scrapy, etc. to output to windows command prompt? Thanks in advance!

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