samedi 18 avril 2015

Start my C# application with administrative rights

I have an app of mine that I need to distribute to 5000 computers on my business domain via SCCM and i'm having problems with the windows security. The point is that my app requires administrative rights to access to registry keys and launch some "specific" featues on the local system and all the users on the domain (except for the IT support team of course) doesn't have such privileges.

I was wondering that I could make windows call a launcher on startup next, this launcher would get admin username and password on the app's server and then run the app with those credentials. But i'm having difficulties performing this task once i'm new on C# (i'm a java programer) and i haven't found any way of using the runas command with both username and password information.

Other point, it would be perfect if i could make use the admin privileges without the anoying windows UAC prompts.

Can anybody help me?

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