Complete source:
SECTION .data ; initialized data
SEEK_SET dd 0;
SEEK_CUR dd 1;
SEEK_END dd 2;
fname: db "d:\asmplus\tsources\s1.txt", 0
fread: db "r", 0
mopf: db "open", 0
mskf: db "seek", 0
mcld: db "[FILE] call [%s]: %d", 10, 0
mcls: db "[FILE] call [%s]: %s", 10, 0
merr: db "[FILE] error opening %s", 10, 0
mret: db "[FILE] ret [%s]: %d", 10, 0
SECTION .text ; code
extern _fopen
extern _fseek
extern _printf
global _main
; stash base stack pointer
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push DWORD fname
push DWORD mopf
push DWORD mcls
call _printf
add esp, 12
; open file
push DWORD fread
push DWORD fname
call _fopen
add esp, 8
mov [fh], eax
; output result
push DWORD [fh]
push DWORD mopf
push DWORD mret
call _printf
add esp, 12
push DWORD [fh]
push DWORD mskf
push DWORD mcld
call _printf
add esp, 12
; C:
; fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); ; set up constants: SEEK_END, SEEK_SET, etc.
push DWORD 0
push DWORD [fh] ; file handle
call _fseek ; ret [eax]: 0 okay; otherwise nz
add esp, 12 ; reset stack pointer
; output result
push DWORD eax
push DWORD mskf
push DWORD mret
call _printf
add esp, 12
;; NEXT: sz = ftell(fp); ; result to eax
; restore base stack pointer
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
SECTION .bss ; uninitialized data
fh: resd 1
Output when provided a valid file name:
[FILE] call [open]: d:\asmplus\tsources\s1.txt
[FILE] ret [open]: 2002397536
[FILE] call [seek]: 2002397536
[FILE] ret [seek]: -1
The 2nd & 3rd lines should display a file handle. What I see does not look right and would be why the seek return is -1. What am I doing wrong to open the file?
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