mercredi 1 avril 2015

Windows Batch : query wmic computersystem get model if equals true continue with windows batch

Looking to write a script that will query wmic computersystem get model and if the value is true continue with batch file if not true echo Un-compatible system exiting, this is what i have so far

@echo off

for /F "skip=1" %%? in ('wmic computersystem get model') do "(

if %%?' equ Test' ('goto start') else (

if %%?' equ test1' ('goto start') else (

if %%?' equ test2' ('goto start') else (

if %%?' equ test3' ('goto start') else (

echo un-compatible System Exiting...>nul)))))"


start of script

im generally ok with scripting but never used if statements so kinda lost on this one.

Any help will be very welcomed.

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