lundi 30 mars 2015

Does the Address column in the Network Activity tab of resource Monitor relates to the local or remote address?

I am monitoring network traffic through ETW , so I have a ETW consumer in c++. I need to show the PID the ip address the Avg.Send Bytes & the Avg.Recieve Bytes much like what is shown in the Activity sub tab under ResMon Network tab.

But from ETW I am getting local ip address aswell as remote ip address in both IPV4 and IPV6 version.The issue is 1. My local ip address I am getting via ETW is not my machine ip address but some other in my network. I have to check if its showing any other machine as a local address(I have been sloppy). 2.Another and the main problem is which ip address to show, the local or remote ip address?

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