By following various examples, I've managed to cobble together a working batch file that uses the AWS CLI to extract file listings from AWS S3 buckets and append a URL to the start of them.
I know you can do something similar in programs like 'S3 Browser', but I needed a "one-click solution". The result is below; when I run it, it successfully extracts listings from 4 sub-folders and saves them to 4 different text files.
It definitely does what I want, but I think it's a pretty clumsy effort. For example, I'm starting, and then closing, cmd.exe on every loop to send commands.
I tried putting it outside the loop; it seems like it should be easy to do but, as a raw beginner to batch files, I can't get it to work.
Any ideas?
Here's the code:
@echo off
REM ----------- SET VARIABLES -------------------
REM ----------------
set BaseURL=
REM SET AWS Bucket Name
REM -------------------
set Bucket=XXXXXX
REM SET Bucket Sub-Folder
REM ---------------------
set sub-folder-1=XXXXXX
REM SET Bucket Sub-Folder
REM ---------------------
set sub-folder-2=XXXXXX
REM SET Bucket Sub-Folders
REM ----------------------
set sub-folder-3=MP4 MP3 PDF Thumbnails
REM Set AWS file download location
set DownloadAWSFileTo=C:\Desktop
REM ------------------------------------------------
REM Loop through all sub-folders
For %%a in (%sub-folder-3%) do (
REM Start AWS CLI, download/save directory list to desktop, and close CMD window
start cmd.exe /k "aws s3 ls http://s3%Bucket%/%sub-folder-1%/%sub-folder-2%/%%a/ > %DownloadAWSFileTo%\filelist.txt" ^& exit
REM Pause for 3 seconds to make sure CMD is finished
timeout /t 3
REM Remove everything from AWS directory list EXCEPT file names
for /f "tokens=4 delims= " %%i in (filelist.txt) DO ( echo %%i >> CLEANfilelist.txt)
REM Append URL structure to beginning of each line and make new list
for /F "delims=" %%j in (CLEANfilelist.txt) do echo.%BaseURL%/%Bucket%/%sub-folder-1%/%sub-folder-2%/%%a/%%j >> %%a-URLs-%sub-folder-2%-AWS.txt
REM Delete unwanted text files
del filelist.txt
del CLEANfilelist.txt
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